Star Asia Shipbroking has a proven track record of appraising vessels and shipping assets on behalf of ship-owners and operators, attorneys and financial institutions, government bodies (including commercial lenders, equity investors, leasing companies, etc).
Up to date information on the latest market trends is essential to staying competitive for all the concerned parties in the shipping industry. Be it ship owners, charterers, or brokers, and we need to keep up to date with the latest market information analysis to make the most informed decisions in this volatile market. With this core belief in mind to create values for our clients, we have over the years grown our capabilities to reach out to our extensive network of associates globally to retrieve critical market data and coupled with our long experience in the shipping industry, the clients can always rely on our valuable insights for their business needs. We endeavour to provide the high stand and quality professional advice to our clients in all areas of their requirements in the shipping industry.
Vessel valuations is another main field of our specialisation that we provide our clients. Depending on the type of ships which is unique to each segment of the shipping industry, we provide an independent and objective evaluation of the Ships that are recognised internationally by both the industry and the financial institutions. We provide the valuation for individual ships or fleet assessments including specialised ships.
Star Asia can provide the following types of vessel valuations:
Fair Market Value (FMV) basis prompt, charterfree delivery
Orderly Liquidation Value (OLV)
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF)
Replacement cost method